I know you’ve had a tough year, so today I want to get straight to the point and give you some content that can hopefully help you. What I’d like to do is give you some simple steps that you might be able to implement to help you in a couple of areas – physically and mentally.
The first thing is to answer the age old question – what is the best exercise to do? Because that’s often the first thing people will ask when they want to get moving again.
To cut a long story short, the best exercise is the one that you will do.
I don’t mean to talk in riddles, but think about it from this point of view. I could give you the best technically designed workout program in the world – one that covers all the bases like getting your heart rate up and working every muscle many times over and a bunch of other things.
But that program is going to be worthless if you’re not going to do it. Maybe it’s too hard for where you are now? Maybe you have an injury history that wasn’t taken into account? Or maybe it just includes stuff you absolutely hate? So that’s not going to get done despite anyone’s best intentions at the start.
Your job is to work out what you like doing. Do you like to walk? Run? Yoga? Boxing? Bodyweight workouts? Going to the gym? Maybe you like getting involved in a sport of some sort or join an outdoor fitness group? Whatever works.
Maybe it’s even getting outside with the kids (if you have any) and running around with them while you have the extra time available. It all gets you moving and it all adds up.
It also all gets easier over time. The more you do it, the easier it becomes. You might even find yourself starting to enjoy it. Especially if you haven’t really considered yourself an exercise person in the past.
Which brings up the next part of the puzzle – the mental side of things. If you’ve understandably felt a bit down by the events of the last year, and what it has done to your career, then exercise is the best thing you can do to help you start feeling better about yourself.
You are rarely ever going to regret doing a workout. And you are always going to feel better after you’ve finished one. That’s because the positive feel-good endorphin hormones that your brain release, the ‘runners high’ so to speak. That feeling you get when you know you’ve done something worthwhile.
And if you are struggling right now, one of the best things you can do, apart from obviously talking to a professional about it, is to get your body moving. Because it will make you feel better.
The hardest part is breaking any old habit and trying to start something new. You’ve already done the hardest thing once you’ve drawn that line in the sand and got that first workout done. Then you’ll want to do another one. Then another. It starts to get easier. You start feeling better.
It’s all part of the process and before you know it, you’ve strung a few weeks back to back. You’re feeling better. You even might notice people commenting that your mood has started to change. You start feeling more energised. You’ve also noticed that you’re doing more in the same time, or you’re getting faster if you’re walking the same loop.
Maybe you don’t wake up as sore or you don’t get as out of breath?
So start small. Pick something you’ll enjoy and notice the benefits that will come as you start clocking up the sessions.
And of course if you’re already in a regular routine, maybe it’s time to step things up a bit? Change it up and try something different. Give your body, and your mind, a challenge. It could well be the revitalising thing you need to help pick up your spirits.
If all of this sounds great, but you’d like some extra direction, I’d love to be able to help you get some more focus and increase your performance for 2021. There’s an option for almost everyone at DPM Performance, from personal training, to small group outdoor fitness sessions, to zoom coaching sessions if you can’t join us in person in Sydney.
For more information please visit dpmtransformation.com or email daniel@dpmtransformation.com
About the Author
Daniel Munday is a Sydney based 20 year industry veteran. DPM Performance has specialised in outdoor fitness solutions for busy parents since 2005. He has written one book and hosts the Top Of The Hill: Fitness For Busy Parents Over 40 podcast. Married with 2 young girls, he enjoys family time and relaxing with a nice drink watching basketball.
web https://dpmtransformation.com
email daniel@dpmtransformation.com
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