Monday, January 27, 2025

Fighting Fit: Focus on wellbeing in times of uncertainty

There is no doubt that the world has undergone a major shift during the Covid pandemic.  There is still a long way to go for many before we can return to our previous way of life.  There may be elements that remain changed forever, but we must focus on the factor that we can control, which is our health.

During times of extreme stress it can be very difficult to keep our lives in balance.  Uncertainty creates fear, which can then snowball into major issues for our health, both physically and mentally.  However we are now in a position of greater understanding in relation to Covid, and whilst there are still issues to be faced we know that there are many ways to prevent or reduce risk.

The most important factor is maintaining your own health and wellbeing. Our immune response is a key factor that will be influenced by many elements, including exercise and nutrition.  Research has shown that exercise and nutrition not only support our physical health, but also our mental health.  Anxiety and depression have increased significantly across all sectors of the population in the last year. But you can take control over your health and implement a plan to get back on track.  You just need to take that first step and decide to change.

Change is challenging, particularly when it is thrust upon us without warning.  But we must learn to embrace change, and use it as motivation to be better. 

There is so much noise in the media today about diets, supplements, weight loss, lifestyle and wellbeing, it’s enough to make your head spin.  Too much is driven by product sales, it’s a multi billion dollar industry that is playing on emotion and vulnerability.  The key to success is getting the facts, and the simple truth is there is no quick fix, but when you make the commitment you can achieve amazing results.

My top 3 tips are:

  1. Move your body
  2. Focus on healthy eating
  3. Sleep and relax

Being active is crucial for good health.  This includes planned exercise and incidental movement, which must be a part of your every day life. If you enjoy an active lifestyle there are numerous benefits for your health, including physical and mental health improvements.  Increasing your activity levels is one of the easiest ways to improve your health.  There are so many options and its important to find something that you enjoy so that you are happy to make it a part of your weekly schedule. 

Healthy eating should be about giving your body the fuel it needs to perform at it’s best.  Your relationship to food can play a major role in your health and the choices you make each day affect more than your weight.  When you change the way you think about food you will be less inclined to make poor choices, or use it as an emotional support.

Sleep disturbances are often associated with stress and uncertainty and increasing fatigue has a snowball effect on our health.  Excessive fatigue makes it more challenging to make positive exercise and food choices as we often reach for things that we think will give us a boost, like chocolate and coffee.  Fatigue is also the most common reasons people fail to exercise regularly.  But in reality, exercise actually helps balance your sleep habits, and good quality sleep will give you the energy to enjoy exercise.

Taking time to relax will also benefit your health. One of the best ways to do this is to remove technology as we are constantly plugged into life by our smartphones, computers and the media. Try a digital detox, read a book, get out and enjoy nature, maybe try some meditation.  These are just a few suggestions on how to take a step back and get back to basics.  Take back control of your health and wellbeing, it will give you a positive boost to focus on your future success.

About the Author

Jane Kilkenny – Health and Fitness Expert – http:/ 

Jane is passionate about changing lives!  She has a wealth of experience in supporting people on their health and fitness journey.  Coaching others to improve their performance, she works with athletes and clients across the ages. She has been a pioneer in kids fitness, specialising in this field since 2003. Jane is also a passionate runner and coach, having competed in events ranging from 5km to ultramarathons!  


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